Thus, the obtained wind speed differences (Eq. Chem. The slope of the least-square line fits is close to 1 for both campaign data sets and both wind products (Mie cloudy and Rayleigh clear), indicating the good correspondence of the Aeolus HLOS wind data. Tech., 34, 1371–1386, 2017. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, Zhai, X., Marksteiner, U., Weiler, F., Lemmerz, C., Lux, O., Witschas, B., and Reitebuch, O.: Rayleigh wind retrieval for the ALADIN airborne demonstrator of the Aeolus mission using simulated response calibration, Atmos. The time gives the duration between takeoff and landing. Master Researcher AEOLUS: Algorithmic Principles for Building EfficientOverlay Computers Georouting: Placing and Routing in VLSI using GeometricConstraints Research and development. It can be seen that data from about 1.5 h before to 1.5 h after the satellite overflight are used for comparison. Tech., 20, 276–291, 2003. ... Data … This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, WINE 2006, held in Patras, Greece in December 2006. An overview of the flight tracks flown during WindVal III and AVATARE is shown in Fig. On 16 May 2019, the calibration file was updated. Dabas, A., Denneulin, M., Flamant, P., Loth, C., Garnier, A., and Dolfi-Bouteyre, A.: Correcting winds measured with a Rayleigh Doppler lidar from pressure and temperature effects, Tellus A, 60, 206–215, 2008. In addition to the aforementioned quantities, a least-square line fit to the respective data sets is performed, and the retrieved slopes and intercepts are evaluated. ESA: VirES visualization tool, VirES for Aeolus, available at: Flamant, P., Cuesta, J., Denneulin, M.-L., Dabas, A., and Huber, D.: ADM-Aeolus retrieval algorithms for aerosol and cloud products, Tellus A, 60, 273–286, 2008. Plotly.js is the only open-source JavaScript library for data visualization in the sciences and engineering. Figure 6Wind speed difference of Aeolus HLOS winds and 2 µm DWL winds projected onto the Aeolus viewing direction according to Eq. The random error (standard deviation) is determined to be 1.24 m s−1. Hence, in particular the accuracy of wind speeds retrieved from direct detection wind lidars strongly depends on the aforementioned points. Meteorol., 7, 105–113,<0105:tdokpo>;2, 1968. a, Chanin, M., Garnier, A., Hauchecorne, A., and Porteneuve, J.: A Doppler lidar for measuring winds in the middle atmosphere, Geophys. This Aeolus, from the story, was originally human, but in later classical writings he was treated as only a god. For an explanation of acronyms and abbreviations, see chapter 2. It can be seen that there is a significant dependency of the systematic error on the scattering ratio for both campaign data sets. The provision of global wind profiles will also benefit climate research. The provision of global wind profiles will also benefit climate research. Supplement. phrase or selecting a category. Avg. a, b, Lux, O., Wernham, D., Bravetti, P., McGoldrick, P., Lecrenier, O., Riede, W., D'Ottavi, A., De Sanctis, V., Schillinger, M., Lochard, J., Marshall, J., Lemmerz, C., Weiler, F., Mondin, L., Ciapponi, A., Kanitz, T., Elfving, A., Parrinello, T., and Reitebuch O.: High-power and frequency-stable ultraviolet laser performance in space for the wind lidar on Aeolus, Opt. Soc., 99, 1607–1637, 2018. As revealed in Sect. It can be seen that the systematic error of the wind speed difference is 0.04 m s−1 and thus negligible for the comparison to Aeolus data. Ulysses is full of extremely specific references to Irish history, Dublin’s geography, and turn-of-the-century culture, which would have been familiar to readers in Joyce’s time but are likely to be very foreign to … This also explains the even higher random error during the AVATARE campaign, where the mean laser energy was 11 mJ lower than during WindVal III. The subset of Aeolus data, selected by the user in this way, can be downloaded in different encoding formats to fit various use cases. Afterwards, all valid averaged wind speeds (ws2 µm) and directions (wd2 µm) are projected onto the horizontal LOS of Aeolus (v2µmHLOS) by means of the range-dependent azimuth angle φAeolus that is provided in the Aeolus Level 2B data product according to. These observations are being used to improve weather forecasts and climate models. So, I'd appreciate in opportunity to work with … vdiffHLOS can also be used to verify the thresholds for the Aeolus estimated error used in this study as shown in Fig. BW prepared the main part of the paper and performed the statistical comparison of 2 µm DWL and Aeolus data. Phone Number +1 724 438 5165. Another novelty this year was that the proceedings are being published by Springer in the LNCS series. Our Call for Papers brought an overwhelming response of the combinatorial community. The intercepts of the respective line fits are determined to be (2.2±0.3) m s−1 (Rayleigh) and (2.7±0.4) m s−1 (Mie) for WindVal III and (-4.4±0.3) m s−1 (Rayleigh) and (-0.21±0.17) m s−1 (Mie) for AVATARE, where the uncertainty represents the standard error of the mean value retrieved from the least-square line fit. I love experimenting and building things. AUX_MET products (meteorological information). It was first implemented on NeXTStep where it was highly acclaimed by its limited user base[1]. 2) were analyzed depending on the time difference between satellite and 2 µm DWL observation as shown in Fig. The altitude dependency of the systematic error of Rayleigh-clear winds is shown in Fig. Optics, 46, 6606–6622, 2007. a, b, Browning, K. and Wexler, R.: The determination of kinematic properties of a wind field using Doppler radar, J. Appl. In particular, a sliding window of five scanner revolutions (90 LOS measurements) and five range gates (500 m) is used, decreasing the effective horizontal and vertical resolution of the retrieved wind vectors to 42 km and 500 m, respectively, whereas the data are still available on the one scanner revolution grid, which is 8.4 km and 100 m, respectively. Thus, the Aeolus data acquired in the campaign period of WindVal III and AVATARE were processed with different calibration files, leading to the different systematic errors. In particular, the retrieval by means of one scanner revolution yields 4693 valid data points out of 12 517 data points which would give full coverage. Still within the commissioning phase of Aeolus, DLR performed a first airborne Aeolus validation campaign (WindVal III) from the site in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, in the timeframe from 5 November 2019 to 5 December 2018. Dependencies of the systematic error on observation time difference, wind speed, scattering ratio, altitude and geolocation were investigated, showing that the backscattering ratio has a remarkable influence on the systematic error of the Rayleigh-clear winds. Additionally, a coherent detection wind lidar (2 µm DWL) with a high sensitivity to particulate returns was flown and acted as a reference system (Witschas et al., 2017). Aeolus data were obtained from the VirES visualization tool (, last access: 13 December 2020; ESA, 2019). It’s all possible thanks to a smart piece of data visualization called, quite simply, “Wind Map.” Bear in mind that the picture up top is just a screenshot; for the full-blown experience, you really … Publications and communications materials are the means to reach various audiences. In order to validate the quality of Aeolus HLOS winds (vAeolusHLOS), the difference to the corresponding 2 µm DWL winds projected onto the Aeolus viewing direction (v2µmHLOS) is calculated according to. Kanitz, T., Lochard, J., Marshall, J., McGoldrick, P., Lecrenier, O., Bravetti, P., Reitebuch, O., Rennie, M., Wernham, D., and Elfving, A.: Aeolus first light: first glimpse, in: Proc. De Kloe, J., Stoffelen, A., Tan, D., Andersson, E., Rennie, M., Dabas, A., Poli, P., and Huber, D.: ADM-Aeolus Level-2B/2C Processor Input/Output Data Definitions Interface Control Document, Tech. Optics, 41, 1760–1767, 2002. a, Reitebuch, O.: The Spaceborne Wind Lidar Mission ADM-Aeolus, in: Atmospheric Physics, edited by: Schumann, U., Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 487–507, 2012. a, b, Reitebuch, O., Lemmerz, C., Nagel, E., Paffrath, U., Durand, Y., Endemann, M., Fabre, F., and Chaloupy, M.: The Airborne Demonstrator for the Direct-Detection Doppler Wind Lidar ALADIN on ADM-Aeolus. For the Rayleigh-clear winds (Fig. Lett., 45, 1443–1446, 2020b. This book proposes using a series of global change scientific satellites to establish a scientific observation grid for global environmental change monitoring from space, and offers the first comprehensive review of lunar-based Earth ... A sketch of the applied processing steps is shown in Fig. Visually explore the past and present of our dynamic planet through NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS). 7). Aeolus data were obtained from the VirES visualization tool, VirES for Aeolus (, last access: 12 November 2019, ESA, 2019). The random error σdiffHLOS given in Fig. Both the random error and the systematic error are composed of the contribution of the 2 µm DWL and the dropsondes, and corresponding representativeness errors. In particular, the Falcon hosted the A2D, which is a prototype of the ALADIN instrument with representative design and measurement principle (Reitebuch et al., 2009). ESA: The four candidate Earth explorer core missions: Atmospheric dynamics mission, ESA Report for Mission Selection, ESA, SP-1233, 145 pp., 1999. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez … Thus, in order to verify if the Aeolus instrument calibration procedures and processing steps are robust, validation measurements are inevitable. Aviation History offers air enthusiasts the most detailed coverage of the history of manned flight, with action-packed stories and illustrations that put the reader in the cockpit with pilots and military (Army, Navy, and Marines) aviators to experience aviation’s greatest dramas. Reitebuch, O.: The Spaceborne Wind Lidar Mission ADM-Aeolus, in: Atmospheric Physics, edited by: Schumann, U., Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 487–507, 2012. Quickly build … 4. Furthermore, as Aeolus only provides HLOS winds, the 2 µm DWL measurements have to be projected onto the Aeolus HLOS direction. Aeolus scientific as well as preliminary wind products are openly available in Near Real Time (NRT). As from May 26, 2021, Aeolus data is produced with the latest processor baseline 12. Before that date, Aeolus data products are provided in the following baseline versions: Aeolus scientific as well as preliminary wind products are openly available in Near Real Time (NRT). As revealed in Sect. Am. Operating Status Active. Meteor. Egor is an open-minded specialist with rich background in Node.JS, Angular, Ember, Riot, React. 4000128136/19/NL/ia)).The article processing charges for this open-access publication were covered by a Research Centre of the Helmholtz Association. 4000114053/15/NL/FF/gp, European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2017. a, b, c, Reitebuch, O., Marksteiner, U., Rompel, M., Meringer, M., Schmidt, K., Huber, D., Nikolaus, I., Dabas, A., Marshall, J., de Bruin, F., Kanitz, T., and Straume, A.-G.: Aeolus End-to-End Simulator and Wind Retrieval Algorithms up to Level 1B, EPJ Web Conf., 176, 02010,, 2018. a, Reitebuch, O., Lemmerz, C., Lux, O., Marksteiner, U., Rahm, S., Weiler, F., Witschas, B., Meringer, M., Schmidt, K., Huber, D., Nikolaus, I., Geiss, A., Vaughan, M., Dabas, A., Flament, T., Stieglitz, H., Isaksen, L., Rennie, M., de Kloe, J., Marseille, G.-J., Stoffelen, A., Wernham, D., Kanitz, T., Straume, A.-G., Fehr, T., von Bismark, J., Floberghagen, R., and Parrinello, T.: Initial assessment of the performance of the first Wind Lidar in space on Aeolus, in: International Laser Radar Conference, Hefei, China, 24–28 June 2019. a, b, c, d, e, f, Rennie, M. P.: An assessment of the expected quality of Aeolus Level-2B wind products, EPJ Web Conf., 176, 02015,, 2018. a, b, Schäfler, A., Craig, G., Wernli, H., et al. Data visualization. Furthermore, due to the high-spectral-resolution receiver configuration, information on the vertical distribution of aerosol and cloud optical properties such as backscatter and extinction coefficients can also be retrieved from Aeolus data (Ansmann et al., 2007; Flamant et al., 2008). The six satellite underflights during the AVATARE campaign resulted in 504 or 339 data points for Rayleigh and Mie wind validation, respectively, and thus about a factor of 2 more than for WindVal III. Furthermore it can be seen that the scattering ratio varied between 1.08 and 1.18 for WindVal III and from 1.15 to 1.38 for AVATARE. If you are interested in deepening your knowledge in the utilization of the service The flight leg ranges from 44.85 to 54.82∘ N which corresponds to 1146 km track length. Table 2Systematic and random error of 2 µm DWL wind speeds determined by comparison to dropsonde measurements and power spectrum analysis of 2 µm DWL horizontal and LOS wind speeds. : The North Atlantic waveguide and downstream impact experiment, B. The backscattered light is collected with a 1.5 m diameter telescope and directed to the optical receiver that is used to detect the Doppler frequency shift of the backscattered light and with that the wind velocity in the LOS direction at different altitudes.

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