This research examined the relations of social media addiction to college students' mental health and academic performance, investigated the role of self-esteem as a mediator for the relations . Social media include Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter, web 2.0 and many more. Social media addiction: Its impact, mediation, and intervention. considered as the goal of the research. This study intends to contribute to the research in this area by examining the relationship between the usage of social media and self-esteem, and social media use and satisfaction with life among university students in the United States. Lastly, it recommended a collaborative approach between students, parents, educational institutions, social media sites managers, teachers, mass media and the government towards proper utilization of social media site. 1) Investigating the impact and relationship between social Media and performance of student. However, very few studies have particularly examined the relationship between mobile game addiction and mental health outcomes, due to a lack of specified . Social Media Addiction Research Topics. In this context, analyses were conducted on the students (N = 304, 42.4% Female, 57.6% Male) of the Faculty of Communication of Gümüşhane University by using the data of the questionnaire applied with the purposeful sampling method. Firstly, I want to refer that the title of the article accurately describe the research essay and it is based on online social networking and addiction. Social Media: In recent years the use of social media accounts such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Fig. I will address the topic of media addiction throughout this paper. Variables In our research we select two variables, which are following This research paper attached hereto, entitle "A Study of Internet Addiction among Students of Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Pei Yuan, Kampar" prepared and submitted by "Yong Shu Qin" in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Psychology is hereby accepted. DATA AND METHODOLOGY Data Therefore, our research ascertains the relationship between the social media and students' study efficiency. similar research on social media addiction in some other countries were examined for comparisons. Duration of time spent on social media platforms during the day and at night. arguably the most popular social networking site at least among the Indian teenagers because of its . Thus, this research tries to find whether using these social media affect . The questions were not intended to measure other factors that affect academic peformance of the learner. Study Design. between social media addiction and self-esteem, social media addiction and sensation seeking and social media addiction and boredom. The authors use the consumption continuum as a theoretical framework.,The authors used a "media deprivation" methodology including both qualitative and quantitative measures.,The authors found that social media may exist in some respondents in a "near addiction" phase or the . The findings also revealed that students use up to 3 social media sites and averagely append 9 hours in a week. Between 2008 and 2014, amphetamine usage among college students in the year leading up to the MTF survey almost doubled from 5.7 percent to 10.1 percent. Nearly two-thirds (60.87%) regarded social networking having a positive (improved) impact on academic performance. The purpose of the research is to measure the level of social media addiction and determine their differences according to demographic characteristics. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 23(4), 284-303. social media addiction and mental disorders for undergraduate students. This study aims to examines impact of academic performance in social media addiction among social student. IMPACTS OF SOCIAL MEDIA AMONG THE YOUTH ON BEHAVIOR CHANGE: A CASE STUDY OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN SELECTED UNIVERSITIES IN NAIROBI, KENYA By: RITA NJOROGE K50/70581/2011 . Being a university or high school student does not make any difference on the level of social media addiction. This goal required the following tasks: 1) The development of the theoretical foundations of the Internet addiction prevention program among students. 1.1 Smart Phone. The most dramatic change is Internet and social networking. The present young generation is avoiding outdoor sports and waste their time on social media. In general, social media usage was more prevalent among medical students compared to paramedical and nursing students (P = 0.009), although the extent of use for an academic purpose was comparable. Based on data obtained In other words, social media use and its increase have created a new research platform and it has become more evident that there is a need to further examine how social media can influence various aspects of life, including youths' self-esteem. The questionnaire was administered to all the students in a class who use Social Networking Most of the students do not show evidence of perceived depression despite the number of engagements in social media platform. Internet gaming and shopping are causing depressive symptoms among the college students. time and poor academic performance because of too much use of social media networks. The use of Social media sites have exploded and evolved into anonline platform where people create content, share it, bookmark it and network at a prodigious rate. Instagram. The specific objectives of the study were as follows: i. research studies have focused on social media use including Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. In this study, which was conducted in order to determine the relationship of social media addiction with sleep quality and psychological problems in high school students, a path analysis study was made in line with the examined literature and the aim, and the theoretical model is shown in Fig. Titto Varghese, Dr D Nivedhitha, Dr. Pradeep Krishnatray . This research will find out what these social media are. Negussie & Ketema (2014) conducted a cross-sectional survey to at Jimma University Ethiopia between March 2012 and March 2013 to find if any adverse effects of using social networking sites on . Even though counterarguments talks of usefulness rather than addiction as the purpose for continuous desire of wanting to use social media among people, there is need to define the behavioral character and time limit for which something can be depicted as useful or addictive as with the case of social media. Teenagers' Usage of Social Networking Media in a South Indian State . Among the prominent users of the social media are the students. With most people being addicted to their smartphone and primarily social media, this is one of the favorite research topics on social media: The effect of social media addiction on the general health of the human population. Research has proved the heavy presence of social media usage among students. ii. In collaboration, this report shows the usage of social networking among university students in America, India and Malaysia. addiction among Malaysians. 2. INTRODUCTION The definition of social media is "the relationships that exist between network of people". This is one of the first subjects that come to mind when one discusses social media. VIII, Issue 8 / November 2020 4697 Khurana N revealed that in India 66% of the youth practices social media for at least 2 hours a day. As a new type of addictive behaviors and distinct from traditional internet game addiction on desktop computers, mobile game addiction has attracted researchers' attention due to its possible negative effects on mental health issues. This research examined the relations of social media . In this lesson you will learn what causes it, what the negative effects are on people's lives and health, and some possible solutions to this type of addiction. Social Media Addiction Essay. Among the scholar is Oluwatoyin (2011) who surveyed 1,860 Facebook users from the Lagos State University and found that 90percent of the students could not get up to cumulative . In the last ten . Academic performance means the level of achievement of students in their studies. It has become a part of our everyday life. The current study is conducted to determine the social media addiction and its effect on mental health among the Private University students of Bangladesh. 3. iii. This research assesses the impact of social media sites on student academic performance [1] Keywords Social media, students, learning efficiency 1. Difficulty defining a problem, and a working definition of social media addiction. It is also found out that, students use social networking sites (SNSs) approximately thirty (30) minutes throughout . According to a new Pew Research survey, 69% of the U.S. adults have at least one social media account, 88% of U.S. adult users of social media are between the ages of 18-29, 78% are between the ages of 30-49, 64% are between the ages of 50-64, and 37% of users are 65 years of age and older (Pew Research Center, 2018). The smartphone is a most popular mobile device, most people own a smartphone, it is commonly used, there is a large number of applications . Research Paper About Social Media Addiction Of Students Even when there is no one around to help you, there is a way out. In a research paper, [10] the variables addressed were the relations among social media addiction, self-esteem and life satisfaction amongst university students. Specifically, we sought to examine the following aspects in this study: 1. A seminal research study involving 262 college students found that heavy media multitaskers have a harder time filtering out irrelevant information (Ophir, Nass, & Wagner, 2009), but it is possible that they have other attention issues that result in poor perfor - mance. The spread of Information Technology has been rapid in recent years. There is no significant relationship between perceived depression and social media use among allied medicine students. What are their use in the lives of the was a study conducted by the study of social media addiction among Form 4 students in . Social Media Addiction Literature Review. For further instant different effects have been listed due to social media and networking addiction. 2) Resolve the misunderstandings and confusions of people about use of social media. Thousands of students made their choice and trusted their grades on homework writing services. excessive social media usage, the potential psychological impact of social media addiction, the role of social media within organizations, the role of social media in health communication, the impact social media may have on interpersonal relationships, and future implications. Factors Affecting Smartphone Purchasing Decision Research Paper. The study also pointed out that social media addiction has a beginning and a continuity phase. A third problem with defining 'social media addiction', 'nomophobia' (literally; the fear of missing your mobile phone), digital technology dependency or smartphone addiction, is in the nature of the technology. To examine the impact of social media on academic performance among the students. The overall attitude toward smartphones and social media among professionals is mixed, with many discrepancies revealed in the literature as reported by a systematic review (Best, Manktleow, & Taylor, 2014). 2) Selection and adaptation of methods to identify the propensity to Internet addiction among students. Social media has equal positive or negative aspects but many students are using these sites on a regular basis. The present study on Smartphone Addiction Among Students aimed to investigate the smartphone addiction as a predictor . The addiction causes intra-psychic conflicts such as intolerance and relapse among the youth (Cabral, 2011). Essay On Social Media Addiction, Causes, Effects, Solutions. In this regard, the prevalence of social networking addiction among students in Singapore and India was reported to be 29.5 and 36.9% respectively [26, 28].The results of a meta-analysis study (2018) on internet addiction showed that, the prevalence of internet addiction among medical students was 30.1% worldwide []. This study aimed to examine social media use patterns among students. The magnitude of association between social media use and depressive symptoms was larger for girls than for boys. There is a significant relationship between health addiction and students ï academic performance. However, studies that specify social media addiction, or problematic use, more consistently provides evidence for an association The title survey was done on the nature of social media uses by the students of two reputed universities in . Students use social media to communicate and study. With most people being addicted to their smartphone and primarily social media, this is one of the favorite research topics on social media: The effect of social media addiction on the general health of the human population. Social media addiction is increasing worldwide. Stratified random sampling was used and a 46-items self-administered questionnaire was distributed 3. Especially young people show high interest in social media that is an extension of Internet technology. 1 Peking University, China 2 Southwest University, China 3 The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 4 Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Science, China 5 Cornell University, The USA. Social media addiction seems to be a common problem nowadays. So, if the student used the social media in a self-regulated way and enhanced the time management then the negative impact of the social media can be prevented. Deteriorating mental health among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious worldwide public health concern. We have also provided a list of Many research results have shown that the social media addiction has a negative impact on the academical performance and in some research, there was no significant impact was found. considered as the goal of the research. research objectives and questions as follows: 1.1 Research objectives . test than students who were not multitasking (Sana, Weston, & Cepeda, 2013). Research Paper THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON STUDENTS . The purpose of this paper is to explore the phenomenon of social media addiction among student Millennials. Greater social media use related to online harassment, poor sleep, low self-esteem and poor body image; in turn these related to higher depressive . 1). Quantitative Research on the Level of Social Media Addiction among Young People EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. The authors describe it from psychological viewpoint because of their background. 4.4 Social Media and Social Networking Site Addiction and Prolonged Periods of Use 14 5. . Manktelow, & Taylor, (2014) using research published between 2003 and 2013 that was retrieved from eight bibliographic databases resulting in 43 relevant studies. Social media has a huge impact on society today and is one of the best ways to stay updated. To ascertain what . Although previous studies have investigated the effects of Facebook addiction disorder in learning settings, there still has been a lack of studies investigating the relationship between online intervention . Moreover, it describes the social media usage pattern among teenagers. This research paper attached hereto, entitle "A Study of Internet Addiction among Students of Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Pei Yuan, Kampar" prepared and submitted by "Yong Shu Qin" in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Psychology is hereby accepted. Background: Social media addiction disorder has recently become a major concern and has been reported to have negative impacts on postgraduate studies, particularly addiction to Facebook. Using drugs or alcohol at a young age before the brain is fully developed can create a host of emotional, physical, social, behavioral, and interpersonal issues, however. the students' use of social media and its relationship to their academic performance and technology ethics decisions. The Relations Among Social Media Addiction, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in University Students Nazir S. Hawi and Maya Samaha Social Science Computer Review 2016 35 : 5 , 576-586 It affects their personal life, career, studies, and relationships with loved ones. The use of social media among students has reached high levels and has affected their study . The purpose of this research is to investigate about how social media affects the students' academic performance. An research at Chicago University in which they recorded the cravings of several hundred people concluded that social media addiction are stronger than addiction to cigarettes and booze . 2. The impact of social media on academic performance could be positive or negative at the Fig. Social media has embedded a negative image upon many minds however it is also perceived as a pathway to develop vital knowledge and social skills among students beyond their campus walls (Wang, Chen and Liang, 2011). Social Media; second, the student's involvement in the activity which affects their attendance in school; third, the student's ability to cope with school work and Social Media in relation to student's academic performance. Social media and networking sites used by adolescents in US [13]. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between social media addiction and happiness. On average, students spend at least on hour a day for social media use. Wiley and Sisson (2006), for instance argue that previous studies have found that more than 90% percent of tertiary school students use social networks. Abstract. This study aims to examine the linkage between social media addiction and mental health of university students in Indonesia and to address whether family relationship and religiosity may mitigate the harmful effects of social media on the mental health of students at . the present generation is psychologically addicted to the Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In etc. Social media is a networking platform where people share their ideas, views, opinions, videos, audios, pictures, news, etc. 3) Identify the problems of individuals in using social media. It can be inferred that promoting friendship among students in a controlled social media environment, can help improve students' academic performance. The research methodology used was qualitative analysis by applying the library method and reading and referencing from previous studies such as journals, theses, articles, papers and websites related to the subject of the study. Yubo Hou 1, Dan Xiong 1, 2, Tonglin Jiang 1, 3, Lily Song 4, & Qi Wang 5. Eke, Omekwu and Odoh (2014) described some dangers associated with social networking sites such as E- . Nothing spreads information faster than social media. 2) Selection and adaptation of methods to identify the propensity to Internet addiction among students. A. social media addiction among undergraduate students. it offers. The findings of the research showed that participants' reasons for using social media were lack of friends, social necessity of social media, feeling of fulfillment, fear of missing out, intertwining of social media and daily life. . Moreover, children can utilize this piece for debates, speeches, and other extracurricular activities. The results showed that both university students and high school students have a moderate level of addiction to social media. The general objective of the study was to find out the impact of social media on academic performance among students. current paper, social media and social networking sites are changing so rapidly that the Addiction to social media is very harmful. Generation-Y i.e. In our study, the rate of addiction to social networking was moderate. Many parents are worried that their college students are spending too much time on Facebook and other social media sites and not enough time studying. most college students use social media and spend many hours checking social media sites, there was a negative aspect to college students' use of social media. of research on how social media influences student retention at colleges. DOI: 10.24815/JKS.V21I2.19603 Corpus ID: 239684806. "78.8% of traditional media reporters polled used social media to check for breaking news.". Social Media is one of the most important source through which people can easily get updated information and they have easy access to online global knowledge bank. The objective of the study was to see whether social media addiction existed among students and the extent to which they were addicted if in fact the phenomenon existed. 1439 Words6 Pages. The result showed addictive use of social media had a Students could utilize the social media as endless source of learning. The purpose of preparing this research paper is to determine the impact of social media use on insomnia disorder among university female students and to determine the relationship between excessive use of social media and their behavioral addictions. Moreover, addiction toward using social media among students was high. This is a cross-sectional, correlational type of research. This goal required the following tasks: 1) The development of the theoretical foundations of the Internet addiction prevention program among students. H6: There is a significant relationship between security/privacy problems and students ï . Purposes for which social media platforms are used and the percentage of students who use social media. Social Media Addiction Research Topics. 1. 2018), social capital (Petersen & Johnston, 2015), and motivations for social media use (Cheung, Chiu, & Lee, 2011), among others which all contribute to the credibility of using this theory for the purposes of the present study. A growing number of Nigerian scholars agree that addiction to social media sites have become a distractive technology to students' academic work in higher education. using an internet connection. Facebook still is the most popular social media platform site among this population group. 1. The essay on Social Media Addiction is helpful to students classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. social media addiction among undergraduate students. theory as the theoretical framework, the study investigated the level of addiction to the various social media platforms among a sample of Students of the University of Ghana. Specifically, it sought to answer college students' profile, utilization of social media (computer and internet, smartphones, social networking sites and multitasking), the relationship of To identify the benefits obtained from using the social media. Critical Evaluation. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 23(4), 284-303. social media addiction and mental disorders for undergraduate students. It aims to fulfill the following objectives • To determine the extent of social media dependence among the students by evaluating the To spread awareness on this topic schools, colleges and various social institutions encourage youth to .

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