Merigan and Robinson turned in the late 1970s to then available inhibitors of DNA polymerases when they realised that interferon alone would not help the majority of patients. Entecavir (ETV) and tenofovir (TDF) represent the currently recommended first-line NAs in patients with HBV decompensated cirrhosis. However, in adults the rate of unprotected non-responders (with <10 IU/ml anti-HBs 4 weeks after the last dose) is ca. Very recent evaluations of inadvertent HBV transmissions from occult infected blood donors showed that one ID 50 contained as many as 1000 virus particles [47]. Vaccine. Lambert C, Döring T, Prange R: Hepatitis B virus maturation is sensitive to functional inhibition of ESCRT-III, Vps4, and gamma 2-adaptin. Google Scholar. 2011, 364: 236-247. Part of Further clinical studies showed that only a minority of the patients could be cured by this therapy while the majority showed a relapse after the end of therapy or even viral breakthrough under therapy. Please note that HBV subgenotype A2, present in the most popular hepatitis B vaccines, is only prevalent in the low endemic regions of the Americas and Europe. OBJECTIVE To investigate the immunogenicity of two recombinant hepatitis B vaccines containing S antigen alone (Engerix B) or both S and pre-S2 antigens (GenHevac B) in diabetic patients. PubMed Central  However, the newly developed vaccine was not well accepted. Some people become very sick upon the onset of the infection. PLoS ONE. 10.1093/infdis/jir852. those developed by Charles Rogler (New York), Jörg Petersen and Maura Dandri (Hamburg) in 1998 [39]. Chronic hepatitis B virus infection is one of the most serious infections and a major risk factor for deaths from cirrhosis and liver cancer. 1 As a result, viral hepatitis is a leading cause of liver dis ease in the As a "stealth" virus, hepatitis B virus (HBV) is not directly cytopathic for infected hepatocytes. But this and similar cell lines did not facilitate the search for the factors mediating efficient attachment and entry of HBV. 1 Approximately 3 (2.5-3.5) million people died of AIDS in 2003. WHO also reported that "Hepatitis B is one of the . Tweet Widget; Facebook Like; Article tools. Among individuals with chronic HBV infection who are untreated, 15% to 40% progress to cirrhosis, which may lead to liver failure and liver cancer. Szmuness had recognized that male homosexuals in New York had an extremely high incidence of HBV infections and performed a large placebo-controlled study with 1083 (truly voluntary) participants [112]. 10.1111/j.1365-2893.2010.01312.x. Background Recent epidemiological studies have reported a dose-dependent protective effect of coffee on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with risk reduction ranging from 30% to 80% in daily coffee drinkers compared with non-drinkers. The vaccine from MSD was in fact treated with pepsin and did not contain these larger proteins. Norder H, Couroucé AM, Coursaget P, Echevarria JM, Lee SD, Mushahwar IK, Robertson BH, Locarnini S, Magnius LO: Genetic diversity of hepatitis B virus strains derived worldwide: genotypes, subgenotypes, and HBsAg subtypes. Galbraith RM, Eddleston AL, Williams R, Zuckerman AJ: Fulminant hepatic failure in leukaemia and choriocarcinoma related to withdrawal of cytotoxic drug therapy. Hoofnagle JH, Gerety RJ, Barker LF: Antibody to hepatitis-B-virus core in man. During the consultation he mentions that his 64 year old mother recently . Nature. This volume provides a state-of-the-art review of the key aspects of HBV. 10.1128/JVI.77.17.9511-9521.2003. A prospective study of 22 707 men in Taiwan. Couroucé-Pauty AM, Soulier JP: Further data on HBs antigen subtypes - geographical distribution. The s, that appear in infected individual: feeling the pain of the body dark. Blood. People with chronic HBV or HCV infection may transmit the virus to others and are at risk of developing serious liver disease such as cirrhosis or hepatocellular cancer (HCC) [1, 2].Transmission of HBV and HCV can occur via sexual or blood-blood contact, or vertically (mother-to . health workers towards hepatitis B infection in Northern Nigeria. Possibly, the peculiar structure of the HBV DNA (see below) may by itself have an enhancing effect on DNA repair in already too heavily damaged cells. Background: Case-control studies suggested a moderate, but consistent, association of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with lymphoid tissue malignancies, especially non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Glebe D, Aliakbari M, Krass P, Knoop EV, Valerius KP, Gerlich WH: Pre-s1 antigen-dependent infection of Tupaia hepatocyte cultures with human hepatitis B virus. Globally, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are major public health problems, particularly in developing countries [].The majority of the people, 40-80% living with chronic hepatitis B or C are unaware of their serostatus and they remain infectious to others [].Chronic liver disease, due to HBV and HCV continues to be the most challenging problem in economically poor . To achieve this a first sample was required, which should have been taken as soon as possible after the start of the illness, followed by a second serum sample from the patient, at least one week later that had to contain a significantly higher amount of antibodies against the corresponding virus. Nature. Evidence for two distinctive clinical, epidemiological, and immunological types of infection. Krugman S, Giles JP, Hammond J: Viral hepatitis, type B (MS-2 strain). Lancet. The hepatitis virus, hepatitis B C D infection transmitted, Hepatitis A is a highly contagious, but rarely f, infects approximately 1.4 million people wor, is a frequent infection among children in large and impoverished, populations, and while traveling to countries wher, rate of infection with hepatitis A virus is more than the incidence of, typhoid fever [6,7]. a kidney-transplant recipient. As pointed out above, the current view of HBV induced immune pathogenesis would suggest that the RT inhibitors act slowly by preventing infection of new cells while the still ongoing antigen expression of viral antigen in the infected cells would lead to their immune recognition and elimination. If one provides those building blocks in the test tube, the synthesis restarts in the form of an endogenous DNA polymerase reaction (i.e. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Lancet. These failures are the reason for a 30% residual incidence of HCC in Taiwan [119]. Hepatitis B virus infection is still a major public health problem worldwide, since more than 350 million people have chronic, lifelong infection and nearly 1 million deaths occur each year owing to complications. Few comparisons were made between the two vaccine types indicating highest levels of antibody titers achieved by multiple doses of live attenuated vaccines 7 years post-vaccination. The peak of HBV DNA and HBsAg is reached before outbreak of the acute disease and both decrease after the onset of clinical symptoms. Surveillance for, Pallavi K, Sravani D, Durga S, Durga S1, Pavan PNS, et al. The early studies with the plasma- or yeast-derived vaccines suggested excellent immunogenicity with 99% seroprotection rates in healthy children or adolescents. Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). The core protein subunits assemble spontaneously to immature core particles which with the help of cellular chaperones encapsidate their own mRNA and the viral DNA polymerase. Developed by the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) Committee on Infectious Diseases in conjunction with the CDC (Centers for disease control), the FDA (Food and drug administration), and other leading institutions with contributions from ... 10.1073/pnas.77.5.2941. 1984, 307: 178-180. 2006, 24: 2781-2789. Infection of newborns (from the HBV-infected mother) or infants typically results in a persistent infection because for unknown reasons an effective immune response does not begin for years or decades. 1986, 234: 1398-1401. Orok . 5 - 7% [122] and increases to 70% under unfavorable circumstances [123]. Some years later this was recognized to be the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). 10.1056/NEJM197806222982502. Dienstag JL, Perrillo RP, Schiff ER, Bartholomew M, Vicary C, Rubin M: A preliminary trial of lamivudine for chronic hepatitis B infection. hemagglutination, were helpful in such cases. 2 0 obj Blumberg used an immunological approach. JAMA. But incorrect procedures leading to hepatitis B outbreaks still occur, in particular during blood glucose testing and many other medical procedures. Virology. 1979, 4: 227-238. Some years later, around 1978, cloning and sequencing of the HBV DNA was reported almost simultaneously by three other pioneers in molecular biology and their teams who had a biosafety laboratory: Pierre Tiollais (Paris) [21], William Rutter (San Francisco) [22] and Kenneth Murray (Edinburgh, 1930–2013) [23]. Kramvis A, Kew MC: Molecular characterization of subgenotype A1 (subgroup Aa) of hepatitis B virus. is the level of viremia. (2017), (2017) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Methods: The authors conducted a nested case-control study within the General Practice Research Database (GPRD) in the United Kingdom. Permanent cell lines of human hepatic origin have no or very low susceptibility for HBV and even primary, differentiated hepatocyte cultures obtained from surgically excised human liver pieces are suboptimal and require inoculation of one hundred thousand or more virus particles for establishment of a detectable transient infection. 10.1056/NEJMoa1007644. More limited data suggested that hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection might also be associated with NHL. type C (HCV), Hepatitis type D (HDV), Hepatitis type E The minus-strand has full length within the core particle and even a redundancy of 9 bases at the ends around the nick. %PDF-1.7 The first successful short term clinical trial with lamivudine in HBV monoinfected patients was published in 1995 by Jules Dienstag [101]. HBV itself was among the first viruses to be detected by assay of its DNA genome and IgM antibodies against the HBV core antigen were the first to be selectively detected by the anti-μ capture assay. Anti-HBc can be a marker for occult infection as was recognized by Hoofnagle already in the 1970s [27]. In the early 1980s, R. Palmer Beasley conducted a controlled study in Taiwan showing that intravenous HBIG given immediately after birth could prevent HBV infection in 71% of newborns from HBsAg and HBeAg positive mothers [108]. Int J Med Sci 3(2): 47-52. EMBO J. Consensus recommendations and evidence-based guidelines for management of chronic HBV infection and screening of pregnant women have been developed. In 1976 they reported good protection rates particularly in the staff [111] but they had only a historical control group and, thus, not all observers acknowledged these findings as convincing. Fortunately, they no longer appear to be on the increase and have not (yet?) Saliva Protection and Transmissible Diseases provides a review of saliva protection, raising debate on micro-organisms potentially transmissible in saliva, and also considering the evidence on diseases that may be transmitted by kissing. Quantitative assays for HBV DNA, HBsAg and anti-HBs should be performed more often and their standardization should be improved., DOI: Schüttler and W. Gerlich, unpublished) and also measured by cryo-EM as the outer diameter [16], suppl. The group of Hans Will (Hamburg, Germany) identified further avian hepadnaviruses in various species of water fowl such as herons, cranes and storks. <> Lucifora J, Arzberger S, Durantel D, Belloni L, Strubin M, Levrero M, Zoulim F, Hantz O, Protzer U: Hepatitis B virus X protein is essential to initiate and maintain virus replication after infection. 10.1099/vir.0.80614-0. It was therefore a big step forward when it became possible to label the antibodies used with enzymes, and later with chemiluminescence-generating groups. Guidotti LG, Chisari FV: Immunobiology and pathogenesis of viral hepatitis. 1995, 33: 225-228. 1990, 343: 457-461. Yellow (shaded) squares cause the loss of an immunodominant HBsAg subtype determinant. This work has broad applications in clinical medicine, ranging from prevention and treatment of organ and bone marrow transplant rejection, management of various autoimmune disorders (for example, rheumatoid arthritis), skin disease and ... In areas with very high prevalence of chronic hepatitis B, HCC was the most frequent form of cancer. Successful antiviral therapy can stop chronic hepatitis B and the progression of liver cirrhosis but a slightly elevated risk of HCC remains. DHBV was crucial for the elucidation of the hepadnaviral replication cycle and the WHV-infected woodchuck has become an important animal model for pathogenicity and therapy of human HBV infections. In the author’s experience, the natural HBcAg yielded highly specific results, but the results obtained with the more readily available recombinant HBcAg from E. coli suffered from a certain degree of non-specificity which remains a problem to the present. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains a global public health problem with changing epidemiology due to several factors including vaccination policies and migration. These are transported to the nucleus and arrested at the nuclear pore complex where the HBV genome is released to the nucleus. 2013, doi: 10.1111/trf.12096. Semliki forest virus with promising preliminary results [132], but none of these have ever entered human trials. Nassal M: Hepatitis B viruses: reverse transcription a different way. Elimination of HBV genomes is usually not complete after acute hepatitis B (even after mild infections) because some HBV genomes remain as cccDNA in an occult form in the liver; but their expression is largely controlled by the immune system. Consequently, Jesse Summers proposed the definition of a new virus species and a new virus family named hepadnaviridae according to the organ tropism (hepa for liver) and the nature of the nucleic acid. Lancet. The nucleoside analogue acyclovir against herpes simplex and varicella zoster virus was the first example of a successful nontoxic antiviral drug taylored to the biochemistry of its viral target. Disappearance of HBsAg is considered to be a sign of resolution but the virus often remains in occult form in the liver. After 36 years of experience, interferon alpha (meanwhile recombinant and in polyethylene glycol-conjugated form) still has its place in HBV therapy, but the patients need to be carefully selected, because interferon has many severe side effects and contra-indications, and only a minority will show a sustained response. The HBV genomes mature within the core particles via reverse transcription of the pregenomic mRNA to DNA. The very high anti-HBs concentration necessary for a positive reaction with HBsAg in the Ouchterlony technique (as used by Blumberg) was an exception occurring only after repeated exposure to HBsAg. (HEV). 2017;24(11):1052-1066. doi: 10.1111/jvh.12735 [11] Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and Chronic Hepatitis B. Since anti-HBc neither proves active infection nor immunity, it could be considered clinically unnecessary except for epidemiological studies or confirmatory testing. Found inside – Page 314195 Hepatitis B is not common: “Vital Hepatitis Statistics & Surveillance: Table 3.1 Reported Cases of Acute, Hepatitis ... Medicine Journal 2 (2008): 1–6, accessed at Despite its growing prevalence, hepatitis B is often undiagnosed. Conclusion The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Dane DS, Cameron CH, Briggs M: Virus-like particles in serum of patients with Australia-antigen-associated hepatitis. 10.1038/282575a0. This article has no abstract; the first 100 words appear below. Mutations in the HBsAg loop of a reactivated HBV variant. Linking to a non-federal Website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. 1998, 95: 5757-5761. The IgG anti-HBc found in resolved or inactive cases is induced by the normal T cell-dependent class switch. The work of the author during 43 years was supported by research funds from the German Research Foundation, the European Union, the German Ministry of Research and Education, the WHO, the Robert Koch Institute, the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the Behring Röntgen Foundation, the University Clinicum Giessen Marburg, and the Justus Liebig University Giessen. Although blood donation facilities were soon examining all of their donors for AuAg, many post-transfusion hepatitis B infections continued to appear. Epidemiology and Prevention of Tuberculosis and Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States J Gen Intern Med. Hepatol Res. This Volume 2 has 6 chapters and focuses on its diagnosis and management. This book assembles recent achievements in both basic research and clinical management in the field of hepatology, virology and immunology. Attaining a better understanding of the mechanisms of MTCT, implementing existing policies on maternal screening and infant follow-up, and addressing research gaps are critical for further reductions in MTCT transmission. The surface and core proteins had a different structure, there was seemingly no HBx protein and the overall sequence homology was low. Furthermore, addition of human serum to vaccines was not unusual at that time and e.g. HBcAg is an unusual T cell-independent antigen which can activate B cells to produce IgM anti-HBc [32]. the Hepatitis B virus again. Improvements in both the treatment and prevention of viral hepatitis are advancing rapidly. Genotypes C, D and F are on the average more pathogenic than the other genotypes and genotypes A and B respond better to an interferon therapy than genotypes C and D. Prevalence (top) and genotype distribution (bottom) of HBV infections. 1980, 303: 833-841. 10.1002/hep.26125. Hirschman SZ, Vernace SJ, Schaffner F: D.N.A. Not only does viral hepatitis carry a high morbidity, but it also stresses medical resources and can have severe economic consequences. They were, however, useful for distinction of high and low infectivity and for HBV monitoring in early therapy studies. 10.1002/hep.20464. The frequent natural occurrence of HCC in woodchucks, (a marmot-like animal living at the East coast of the USA) prompted Robert Snyder and Jesse Summers (Philadelphia) in 1978 to search for an HBV-like virus in these animals. There, it lacks the nucleotide triphosphates which are the building blocks for further DNA synthesis, such that there remains a single-stranded gap in the viral DNA (Figure 3). Patients with atypical presentations were older (7.7 [1.6] years vs. 6.5 [2.6] years; p=0.012) and had higher total serum bilirubin (13.7 [8.1] mg/dL vs. 7.2 [4.0] mg/dL; p=<0.001) than those with typical presentation. An unpublished example from the author’s laboratory is shown in Figure 8. 2012, 1: e00049-10.7554/eLife.00049. 1970, 1 (7649): 695-698. The completely new aspect was the binding of one component in the test system, here the unlabeled AuAg antibody, by simple adsorption to a surface (solid-phase), and then allowing the analyte in the patient serum, here the AuAg, to specifically bind to that coated surface. Non-adherence was reported in 12.9% of patients. treatment options and preventive measures for all the If so, the course may be benign although expression of HBsAg may still occur (Figure 6). Comparisons of the chimpanzee infectious doses and the number of HBV DNA molecules in HBeAg positive plasmas showed that ten or less virus particles are sufficient to start a readily detectable HBV infection if they are injected intravenously. In interaction with transcription factors (not shown), the ccc DNA is transcribed to the pregenomic and subgenomic mRNAs. Ber Klin Wochenschr. 2002, 1: 141-144. 10.1074/jbc.273.14.8382. 10.1038/322070a0. Yan H, Zhong G, Xu G, He W, Jing Z, Gao Z, Huang Y, Qi Y, Peng B, Wang H, Fu L, Song M, Chen P, Gao W, Ren B, Sun Y, Cai T, Feng X, Sui J, Li W: Sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide is a functional receptor for human hepatitis B and D virus. Davies J, Littlejohn M, Locarnini SA, Whiting S, Hajkowicz K, Cowie BC, Bowden DS, Tong SY, Davis JS: The molecular epidemiology of Hepatitis B in the Indigenous people of northern Australia. Its clinical relevance was limited. Insertions of replication competent HBV genomes were never observed. 10.1038/286535a0. Raimondo G, Allain JP, Brunetto MR, Buendia MA, Chen DS, Colombo M, Craxì A, Donato F, Ferrari C, Gaeta GB, Gerlich WH, Levrero M, Locarnini S, Michalak T, Mondelli MU, Pawlotsky JM, Pollicino T, Prati D, Puoti M, Samuel D, Shouval D, Smedile A, Squadrito G, Trépo C, Villa E, Will H, Zanetti AR, Zoulim F: Statements from the Taormina expert meeting on occult hepatitis B virus infection. 10.1016/S0264-410X(03)00399-2. Risk‐based testing is failing a third of people living with chronic hepatitis B in Australia. Eng FJ, Novikova EG, Kuroki K, Ganem D, Fricker LD: Gp180, a protein that binds duck hepatitis B virus particles, has metallocarboxypeptidase D-like enzymatic activity. This article will recapitulate the major advances in the field of hepatitis B research throughout the last 50 years and point out some perspectives for future research. from infected chicken embryos or tissue cultures), one needs sheep erythrocytes as indicator cells, rabbit antibodies against the sheep erythrocytes for generating an immune complex on the erythrocyte membrane and, finally, complement (usually from guinea pigs) for the CFR. 1982, 298: 347-350. Structural components of HBV (left) and open reading frames (ORF) for encoding proteins in the covalently closed form of HBV DNA. This book is aimed to emphasize the rationale and importance of prevention and management of viral hepatitis in children, providing cutting edge knowledge. Viral hepatitis is a major health problem in the world. 2010, 25: 11-25. The test combined the specificity of the biological antigen-antibody interaction with the high sensitivity of modern physicochemical analytical methods. In the meantime Adefovir should be completely replaced by newer drugs such as tenofovir. *1 J�� "6DTpDQ��2(���C��"��Q��D�qp�Id�߼y�͛��~k����g�}ֺ ����LX ��X��ň��g`� l �p��B�F�|،l���� ��*�?�� ����Y"1 P������\�8=W�%�Oɘ�4M�0J�"Y�2V�s�,[|��e9�2��s��e���'�9���`���2�&c�tI�@�o�|N6 (��.�sSdl-c�(2�-�y �H�_��/X������Z.$��&\S�������M���07�#�1ؙY�r f��Yym�";�8980m-m�(�]����v�^��D���W~� ��e����mi ]�P����`/ ���u}q�|^R��,g+���\K�k)/����C_|�R����ax�8�t1C^7nfz�D����p�柇��u�$��/�ED˦L L��[���B�@�������ٹ����ЖX�! Initially, the supervising authorities recommended only that HBV carriers should wear double gloves while doing surgery and be particularly cautious. C型急性肝炎に対するIFN療法は絶対的適応であり, その診断と治療の実際について. Together with tenofovir it is the only NIH class B drug for treatment during pregnancy. Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and ... But protection experiments in chimpanzees published in 1984 by MSD were very encouraging [116] and field studies in newborns from HBsAg and HBeAg positive mothers performed in Thailand by Yong Poovorawan and GSK were also very convincing [117]. The test principle of the solid-phase sandwich immunoassays has been maintained to the present, however, for assay of numerous antigens and antibodies in many fields of biomedicine, even if the forms of the solid-phase and the signal generation have changed. and laboratory features of viral hepatitis A in children. While health-related behaviours are affected by different aspects of knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP), there are few studies examining the KAP level of healthcare workers towards HBV . Due to the overlapping polymerase and HBsAg reading frame some of the resistance mutations also led to a mutated HBsAg sequence with reduced binding to diagnostic or protective anti-HBs antibodies [102]. Appearance of neutralizing anti-HBs antibodies in the late acute phase prevents the infection of new hepatocytes. 2012, 6: 683-693. Background: Ample evidence indicates an aetiological association of persistent hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Viral Hepatitis B: Introduction "Viral hepatitis," refers to infections that affect the liver and are caused by viruses. The studies from Dieter Glebe on the preS1-dependent infection of Tupaia hepatocytes [94] inspired Li Wenhui and colleagues (Beijing, China) to start a genome-wide search for liver-specific surface molecules common to humans and Tupaias. Am J Med Sci. These partially humanized mice are at least as susceptible for HBV infection as the chimpanzees. 23 - 28% of the perinatal vaccine failures HBsAg escape mutations have been observed whereas in the pre-vaccination era the proportion of these mutants was only 8%. The activity may be 100 times normal, and no other biochemical test has been shown to be a better indicator. Viral Hepatitis B: Introduction "Viral hepatitis," refers to infections that affect the liver and are caused by viruses. The incubation, period of between two weeks and 9 weeks. After inventing a machine that can move through time, the Traveler leaves Victorian London and goes far into the future. J Virol. J Viral Hepatitis. We conducted a systematic review on the prevalence of HBV infection among PWUD in Iran. This study examined whether coffee has a similar protective effect when consumed in moderate quantities in chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers, a group at high . 2011, 55: 29-37. The “e” is not an abbreviation for “early” as some people believe; it stands on its own. 2006, 26: 1102-1113. The usefulness of monitoring the HBsAg concentration for the early prognosis of acute hepatitis B was reported by the author already in the 1970s [98], but these findings were ignored until recently. Quantification of CFRs and similar biological reactions was only possible by diluting patient sera serially in steps of two and determining the highest dilution that had just given a positive result. In proportion ranging from 5-10% of the, patients continue to have the virus as a chronic disease, and after, stomach, become infected with varicose that cause vomiting, tumors and cancer [13]. This booklet sets out referral guidelines that can be used by health professionals qualified to refer patients for imaging. Newer drugs had to be developed. The low infectivity of most inactive HBsAg carriers is not only due to the fact that they have relatively low HBV DNA levels (typically below 104 IU/mL) but their HBV DNA is enclosed in virus particles the majority of which is not infectious. This was the reason that the Dane particles could not be recognized in AuAg preparations purified by ultracentrifugation or size chromatography. endobj These proteins and the HBV X protein are transcriptional transactivators that may activate deregulated cell proliferation and tumor formation [70]. Besides obeying strict hygiene with all invasive procedures and a considerate life style, vaccination is the most important way to prevent hepatitis B diseases. Only after numerous fatal transmissions and hundreds of infections originating from HBV positive physicians were identified and made public were more restrictive measures taken as suggested in a consensus conference [48]. Despite timely post-exposure prophylaxis, MTCT occurs in 5%-15% of infants. J Hepatol. First approaches in the early 1990s with this method were plagued by many technical problems: cross contamination, inhibitors, false choice of primers and inappropriate extraction of nucleic acids led to almost disastrous results and much initial distrust in this revolutionary method.

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